Volusia County
Bar Association
Attorney Search

Advertising & Sponsorship

Would you like to expose your products and services to the ever-growing group of legal professionals in Volusia County? If so, then the VCBA has several available advertising mediums!

To place an advertisement or request further information contact Sarah Grover at volusiabar@gmail.com.

Certain rules and restrictions apply to all VCBA advertising. The Association requires that all ads be submitted for approval prior to publication. Not all ads are accepted. Preference is given to organizations pertaining to the legal community. Advertising must be paid for prior to publication.



The Volusia County Bar Association publishes its newsletter 11 times per year.  Ads should be submitted by the 15th of the month prior to publication and must be paid in full by the 1st of the month. Monthly ad rates: 

Ad Size Member Non-Member 
Classified $40 $80
¼ page $70 $140
½ page $130 $260



A member database for mailing labels is available for purchase.  Rate is set at $75 for VCBA members and $250 for non-members.  Contact volusiabar@gmail.com to place an order.  Labels are not sold for all purposes and materials may be screened prior to sale.


The Volusia County Bar Association offers an opportunity to display a logo and link to your website for an annual fee. The logo/link placement is available exclusively to VCBA members at a reduced annual rate of $150.  Business that are a part of the Volusia County legal community can request placement at an annual rate of $300.  All businesses must have a presence in Volusia County to be considered.  Contact volusiabar@gmail.com for additional information.


Volusia County Law Firm
Volusia County Law Firm
Volusia County Law Firm
Volusia County Law Firm
Volusia County Law Firm
Volusia County Law Firm
Volusia County Law Firm
Daytona Beach Personal Injury Lawyer
Volusia County Law Firm
Volusia County Law Firm
Volusia County Law Firm